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Aktuális projekt, 2019 októberig meghosszabbítva:
Kihelyezett műteremprojekt a bécsi KEY consult vállalattal közösen Bécs 3. kerületében
(a cég irodáiban képek láthatók az elmúlt 20 év alkotásaiból válogatva, 2019 októberéig)
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Kihelyezett műteremprojekt a bécsi KEY consult vállalattal közösen Bécs 3. kerületében
(a cég irodáiban képek láthatók az elmúlt 20 év alkotásaiból válogatva, 2019 októberéig)
Kérjen időpontot egyéni "műterem"-látogatásra:
+43 699 170 68 198
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Ute Wöllman, Director of the Academy of Painting Berlin (Akademie für Malerei Berlin), wrote about M. Pálfy, the Austrian artist with Hungarian origin:
...viel experimentiert und ausprobiert... Sie zeigt uns eine Serie beeindruckender, gezeichneter Porträts von Migranten, die sehr sensibel die unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeiten einfangen... sowie eine Serie experimenteller Arbeiten, in dem die Farbe als Material und der zum Teil gestische Duktus des Farbauftrags im Vordergrund des Bildes stehen... Emotionalität ist bei M. Pálfy sehr wichtig.
/Ute Wöllmann, anlässlich einer akademischer Doppelausstellung von M.Pálfy und Petra Guiness, Berlin, 2013/

M. Pálfy is the inventor of Screenography and Re-Traditionalization in the visual arts, she exhibited both techniques for the first time in Paris in September 2015, in the
gallery Étienne de Causans (25, Rue de Seine - 75006 PARIS)
The hidden, inner truth of her artworks is recreated indefinitely. 'Appearance or Being': the magical force of inner coherence beneath the diversity.
Vernissage was on 1 September, 18:00 at the gallery Étienne de Causans, 25, rue de Seine – 75006 PARIS.
Bertrand Brouder, french actor

The screenographies (the „lithography of the new millenium“) for the Paris exhibition „incognito“ were printed in an award-winning Austrian printing house and are certified by the printing house Gerin-Holzhausen. Each piece is unique. They are one of a kind.
The Paris series is printed on real glass: as the world's first Screenography artist, M. Pálfy is bringing images printed onto a total of 140 kg of molten sand to Paris!
Can you hide and protect yourself by wearing the collective mask? Rituals of modern communication with the archaic: concealment, soothing, gradation and composition of colors of the same mask or the revealed face through digital filters. Stripes and blur are often intended: can your soul still be liberated if the vibrating time is holding you down? Know thyself.
Antitheses (counter-images) to the hidden faces, or faces being revealed, dedicated to diversity:
Re-Traditionalism-Art (oil painting on canvas after digital model) and the three-dimensional Mixed-Media Image „VERITAS“ (2011, 160 x 120cm) already exhibited in Vienna and Berlin, as the most important work of M. Pálfy in the context of her long-running subject of study „Prevarication and Truth“.
Exhibition in Paris
September 2015, 25 rue de Seine
Opening speech of Consul Mrs. Judit József
Dear Director of Qualysoft Mr. Oros, dear Mrs. Bigot-Baumgartner from the Austrian Cultural Forum, dear Mr. Director Causan, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends!
It is a pleasure and a privilege for me to inaugurate this evening the exhibition that the gallery of Étienne de Causans dedicated to the artist Livia Pálfy. The gallery offers the art-minded audience the opportunity to experience the work of a woman who has emerged on the international scene with her talent and originality.
After exhibitions in Vienna and Berlin, she is with us here in Paris tonight and you will have the chance to question her about her choice of topics and her message.
Mrs. Pálfy is of Hungarian origin, but is also somewhat "Austro-Hungarian" and soon a little Parisian, and as such, very authentically European.
We talk often about Europe, but rarely use it as ground for good news. Beyond the political and economic news, often disturbing, we must commit ourselves so that culture and art remain at the heart of our lives as citizens.
Because art unites, it is a bridge between peoples, persons, between hearts. The art arouses emotion and reflection - herein lies the difficulty of analyzing aesthetics or beauty. Through art the artists reveal much about the soul of the human being.
Therefore screenography of M. Pálfy has become accepted among modernity enthusiasts.
Her work speaks to us and engages us in dialogue and reflection deep in our soul.
Light and colors, shapes and pictures, their multiplications, rituals of modern communication with the archaic, everything that makes the painting of Mrs. Pálfy should encourage us to explore the duality of appearances and truth, her omnipresent topic.
She works silently and independently to make visible what is not. Her digital portraits are frozen seconds; moments when the masks fall and the person behind shows. Clearly or blurred, either keeping the inner integrity or losing it.
On behalf of the Hungarian Embassy in Paris, especially in the name of Georges Károlyi, Ambassador of Hungary, I thank you all for coming and thank you dear director of the gallery for introducing Mrs. Pálfy to us, enabling us to appreciate her.
Embassy of Hungary, Paris
- Solo exhibition digit – ál – arc (Barabás Villa, Budapest, Hungary)
- Solo exhibition "Lichtköpfe" (HYPO NOE Landesbank, Vienna, Austria)
- Solo exhibition "incognito" (Paris, Rue de Seine 25, gallery Étienne de Causans)
- Solo exhibition ("Digitalism - Art & Innovation", Vienna, Saturn-Tower)
- Solo exhibition (Vienna, Donau-City,
Vienna InternationalCenter) - Group exhibition (Hungary, Budapest, Jókai
- Solo exhibition (Germany, Berlin,
Unter den Linden) - Solo exhibition (Austria,
Baden at Vienna)
- Solo exhibition (Austria, Vienna, Hofburg Palace)
- Solo exhibition (Austria, Vienna, Mariahilf)
- International Art Symposium (Slovakia,
- Group exhibition mit „forumcreARTiv”
(Austria, Bisamberg at Vienna)
- Group exhibition (Austria,
Hagenbrunn at Vienna)
- Group exhibition (Austria,
Langenzersdorf at Vienna)
- Group exhibition (Austria,
Bisamberg at Vienna)
Press articles about M.Pálfy and her work